Letter 19171217

Camp Pike, Ark. Dec. 17, 1917

Dear Folks

I received your letter a few days ago and was glad to hear from you. I also received a sweater that Blanche Monroe sent me and it is sure a fine one. You know you spoke about it in the letter. I received it just the day after I got your letter. I was glad to hear of the success father is making in the meat market. Say mother, I wish you would send me a Des Moines Capitol or two once in a while after you get thrue with them. How is Mr. & Mrs. Fisher getting along? Also, how are all of you? You can tell Ira to write me once in a while if he can find time. I wrote to Dr. Jamison, Chad Tabler, Blanche Monroe and Kate Tansey last Sunday. We were quarantined for measles and scarlet fever a few day ago. That is all. Good by. With best wishes. Write soon.

From: Russell L. Delk
Co "A" 334th M. G. B.
Camp Pike, Ark.

  • Letter19171217b




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