Joseph Theodore Delk

March 14th, 2014 Comments Off on Joseph Theodore Delk

Around 1928 my Great-Great Uncle, Joseph Theodore Delk, started corresponding with his niece, Mary May Delk. True to the Delk hoarding gene, she kept all of the letters. I have had these letters for awhile, but had stored them before a move ten years ago, and am just now getting back to them. You see, I have the hoarding gene as well, which is bad for the home life, but good for future genealogist. So, I am now scanning the letters, as well as transcribing them. My goal, is to do at least three a week. The first three are up on his home page.

As a side note, his death certificate and 1930 census information shows that his father was born in Ireland. That, as we all know, is not the case.

Until next time,


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